Oh Lyn what the hell am I supposed to do now, you were my best friend and I just can’t imagine life without you in it, you’ve left a massive hole that will never be filled. I actually still can’t believe you’ve gone and I go to call you or text you and remember I can’t. 24 years of friendship just gone, we were always there for each other and it didn’t matter if we were round the corner or miles apart we were still only a phone call or a drive away from each other. Thankyou for taking me under your wing all those years ago, for the laughs we’ve had and all the good times we’ve shared, you will forever be in my heart and if any of your family need me I’ll be there cause I know that’s what you would’ve wanted. You loved your family and would do anything for them. Goodnight godbless my beautiful friend until we meet again. I’ll love you forever. Jo & Ross xxx
Joanne Wolfe
28th January 2024